"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> SM08 aCVi video receiver module - SingMai Electronics
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Transmit HD video more than 300m across low cost coaxial or twisted pair cable.

Transmit HD video more than 300m across low cost coaxial or twisted pair cable

The SM08 aCVi receiver module accepts aCVi encoded inputs from 720p/23Hz up to 1080p/60Hz. It converts this to a HD/3G-SDI format which can then be connected to a DVR or monitor. The matching transmitter module if the SM06.



Remote monitoring.

Digital signage.


Transport (automobile) video.

Subsea (ROV).

Pipeline inspection.



Please email sales@singmai.com for a quotation and details of how payment may be made.

(Please note: we no longer accept payments via PayPal.)



(Please contact SingMai for quantity and dealer discounts.)



Download the SM08 user manual:

SM09 video distribution amplifier user manual.




SM08 Specifications

Video Input:

Composite aCVi (differential RJ45) or single-ended (BNC).

720p-23 / 720p-24 / 720p-25 / 720p-29 / 720p-30 / 720p-50 / 720p-59 / 720p-60 / 1080p-23 / 1080p-24 / 1080p-29 / 1080p/30 / 1080i-50 / 1080i-59 / 1080i-60 / 1080p-50 / 1080p-59 / 1080p-60.

Video Output:

HD/3G-SDI at the same standard as the input (BNC).


Dimensions: 120mm x 80mm x 30mm.

Power: +5VDC @ 650mA (90V-260V AC-DC adaptor supplied).



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