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NTSC and PAL Encoder and Black-Burst generator


The DB02 module accepts SDI (SMPTE-259M) inputs at 525i and 625i which it encodes to a broadcast quality NTSC or PAL output. Both single ended (coaxial) and differential (UTP) outputs are generated.

In the absence of an SDI input a black and burst output is generated which may be switched between NTSC and PAL standards.


NTSC and PAL Encoder and Black-Burst generator


Broadcast TV


Video Transmission



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Download the DB02 user manual:

NTSC and PAL Encoder and Black-Burst generator




DB02 Specifications

Video Input:



Video Output:

NTSC-M or PAL (BNC or RJ-45). 1V nominal pk-pk into 75ohms.


Black Burst :

Selectable NTSC or PAL when no SDI input.



Dimensions: 120mm x 80mm x 30mm.

Power: +12VDC @ 240mA (90V-264V universal AC-DC adaptor supplied).



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