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PT13 - Compact microprocessor for Altera FPGAs

A compact microprocessor for Altera FPGAs that we designed for use in our products and is available as a free download. The design uses less than 400 logic elements allowing multiple instantiations in the same FPGA. The assembler automatically generates a MIF file which can be compiled after a code change into a small single-port ROM. PT13 is ideal for simple control operations, display control, I2C initialisation of devices etc.

PT13 compact microprocessor for Altera FPGAs

Download the PT13 user manual:

An EDN article describing the microprocessor design may be read here:

EDN article: Designing a compact microprocessor

You can download the design for free from here (this is a .tdf file which is only usable in Altera [Intel] FPGAs):

This is the assembler for the PT13:

The editor we use can be downloaded from here:

This is the highlighter file for the editor:

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